Marine One landed in Brooklyn on Friday, when President Obama paid a visit to P-TECH — a cutting-edge early-college high school formed by a partnership between IBM and the City University of New York.
The President spoke about the need for a balanced, reasonable budget that frees up resources for the things that we know promote long-term economic growth: things like rebuilding our manufacturing base, upgrading our transportation and information networks, supporting basic research and development, including educating our kids and workers so that they can be competitive in a global economy. That includes making room for more schools like P-TECH.
The President praised the school, which offers college-level courses in math and science and offers students a high school diploma and an Associate's Degree in computer systems or electromechanical engineering:
… At a moment when the cost of higher education keeps going up — and Arne and I are working hard to make sure that we’re doing everything we can to reduce the burden of student loans on young people — here’s how much two years of college will cost P-TECH students and their families: Zero. Nothing.
Fonte: White House