It was an intensive afternoon at the Jobs and Economic Growth Forum, with opening remarks from the President and Vice President, with smaller discussions on creating jobs through infrastructure, exports, green jobs, small business, investment, and helping workers on Main Street. The President spoke at length with the participants to hear what came of those discussions and to hear any ideas that didn’t come out during those sessions. But all of this was only the beginning – not only will these ideas be evaluated carefully within the White House, but as we announced on Monday, the White House is inviting citizens, community leaders, and local officials to hold their own Community Jobs Forums. Sign up and we’ll get you all the materials you need.
Sign up to host a Community Jobs Forum
The President discussed all of this in his opening remarks today:
Many of you run businesses yourselves. Each of you is an expert on some aspect of job creation. Collectively, your views span the spectrum. That was deliberate. We’ve looking for fresh perspectives and new ideas.
I want to hear about what unions and universities can do to better support and prepare our workers — not just for the jobs of today, but for the jobs five years from now and 10 years from now and 50 years from now. I want to hear about what mayors and community leaders can do to bring new investment to our cities and towns and help recovery dollars get to where they need to go as quickly as possible. I want to hear from CEOs about what’s holding back our business investment and how we can increase confidence and spur hiring. And if there are things that we’re doing here in Washington that are inhibiting you, then we want to know about it.
And I want to continue this conversation outside of Washington, which is why I’ll be meeting with some of the small business owners that you saw in the video in Allentown, Pennsylvania, tomorrow, to get their ideas. It’s also why we’ve asked state and local officials and community organizations to hold their own jobs forums over the next week or so and to report back with the ideas and recommendations that result.
Get your family, friends, and neighbors together and help get America back on track.
Fonte: White House