United Nations

Security Council Press Statement on Lord’s Resistance Army


The following press statement on the Lord’s Resistance Army was issued today by Council President Thomas Mayr-Harting (Austria):

The members of the Security Council strongly condemned the continued and recently increasing attacks carried out by the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Central African Republic and the Sudan, which have resulted in the death, abduction and displacement of thousands of civilians.

The members of the Security Council expressed deep concern at the direct and serious threat the activities of the LRA pose to the civilian population, the conduct of humanitarian operations and regional stability.

The members of the Security Council commended the States in the region for their increased cooperation, welcomed the joint efforts they have made to address the serious threat posed by the LRA, and encouraged them to cooperate fully with the United Nations and share information with the United Nations operations in the region, in order to make every possible effort to ensure the protection of civilians, in particular women and children.

The members of the Security Council called upon these States to ensure that all actions are carried out in accordance with international humanitarian, human rights and refugee law, and to take appropriate measures to protect civilians.

The members of the Security Council called on United Nations missions in the region, namely MONUC [United Nations Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo], UNMIS [United Nations Mission in the Sudan], UNAMID [African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur], BONUCA [United Nations Peace-Building Office in the Central African Republic] and MINURCAT [United Nations Mission in the Central African Republic and Chad], to coordinate strategies for, and information on, the protection of civilians, in light of the attacks by the LRA.

The members of the Security Council reiterated their demand that the LRA immediately cease all attacks on civilians, and urged them to surrender, assemble and disarm, as required by the Final Peace Agreement.

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Fonte: UN

Como citar e referenciar este artigo:
NOTÍCIAS,. Security Council Press Statement on Lord’s Resistance Army. Florianópolis: Portal Jurídico Investidura, 2009. Disponível em: https://investidura.com.br/noticias-internacionais/united-nations/security-council-press-statement-on-lord-8217s-resistance-army/ Acesso em: 26 jul. 2024